Thursday 25 April 2013


Hello there visitor!

My Online Media Portfolio Blog is currently in the construction stage - however, please feel free to take a look around :)


Monday 15 April 2013

LGBT History Month Charity Event

February marked the annual celebration of LGBT History Month. As LGBT Officer in my College's Student Union I took LGBT History Month as an opportunity to decorate the College with rainbows and organise a fundraising day for LGBT charity Stonewall.

(English Lecturer Steve O'Neill with myself during the LGBT charity event)
Obtaining funding from my College Principal and Student Union I bought rainbow flags, bunting, badges and flower necklaces to decorate College and its students throughout the month. Students joined me in creating a giant rainbow paperchain to drape across the College balcony to further decorate the College and show their support for the LGBT community.

 I single handedly organised and promoted a fundraising day for LGBT chairty Stonewall on Friday 8th February which raised over 140 in 2 hours. I created posters, an article in the student bulletin and a message on the Student Union's Facebook to advertise the event.

The fundraising day comprised of a Guitar Hero competition, a rainbow cake sale, rainbow face painting and sponsoring English Tutor Steve O'Neill to wear a giant rainbow affro wig.

The event was the first of its kind for my College and the only celebration of LGBT History Month by an educational establishment in the area and consequently gained a place in the local newspaper.

Friday 12 April 2013

Horror Film Trailer - "Transfixed"

As part of my A Level Media Studies work I created promotional materials for a horror film which I titled "Transfixed".

The most notable of the promotional materials is the film trailer. I worked independently and took on all four roles of cinematography, mise-en-scene, editing and sound to produce a trailer for my horror film "Transfixed". Everything in the trailer is of my own independent creation, including the production company logos.

Overall grade obtained: A*

Grade breakdown:

Editing: A*
Mise-en-scene: A*
Sound: A*
Cinematography: A

(please note: for some unknown reason the sound is very quiet and is best heard through earphones)
(Acting credits go to James Mills, Sara Wilson and Matthew Nicholls)

The above work showcases my ability to use such technologies as:
  • iMovie (editing)
  • Garageband (sound)
  • HD camcorder (cinematography)
  • Photoshop (Production Company Logos)
  • Adobe Flash (Production Company Logos) 
It also showcases my ability to:
  • Hold auditions to cast actors in suitable roles
  • Source suitable props, costumes and locations
  • Direct actors during filming
  • Create production and distribution company logos

Friday 5 April 2013

NUS Conference 2013

This year my College's Student Union voted me as their NUS Conference 2013 representative - something which as LGBT Officer (rather than President or vice President) I did not expect to happen and something I'm incredibly proud of! Below is my own unique slant on how the 2013 conference panned out!

The 2013 annual NUS Conference in Sheffield got off to a particularly interesting start this year with the misplacing of my parental consent form; after 2 hours of waiting around the organisers could finally confirm with my parents that I had not run away from home to attend the event without permission!

Aside from this small blip the event was as interesting, thought provoking and tiring as usual! The countless challenges to the Chair’s professionalism meant the phrase “there’s a vote of no confidence in the Chair” was heard far too many times; and the debate over the highly controversial gender-balancing policy of motion 701 caused both physical and social networking attacks from both sides, making this year’s conference the most memorable yet!

Although I failed to take to the podium myself, my views on motion 701 were strong; I believe gender-balancing the NUS would be a slap in the face for both the male and female electives who work hard, stand for what they believe in and run strong campaigns to gain votes. As a female, I do not want it to be my ‘right’ to be elected into a Student Union just because I happen to be a woman, I want to earn my right through a strong campaign and a popularity in the policies I stand for. I’d rather lose a campaign to a male who is more suited to the Student Union position, than automatically win the campaign because I have breasts. Why should a male have to work twice as hard to get elected into a Student Union just because a certain quota of women has to be met? … I could rant forever on this matter; however such a rant can be withheld until the next annual conference, as motion 701 fell by 8 votes and gender-balancing did not become policy – thankfully!

Further controversy came from the Presidential candidate speeches, which were a particular highlight, as candidate ‘the inanimate carbon rod’ received the most thunderous round of applause in NUS conference history by stealing lines from the Simpson’s to highlight the broken promises and careerist intentions of past and present NUS Presidential candidates. Although I was backing Vicky Baars for President and thought Richard Osman's look-a-like Peter Smallwood gave the strongest speech, I believe Toni Pierce will make an excellent NUS President.

As the 3 day conference drew to a close, the best moment of the entire event occurred… in the form of an NUS musical.  Les Miserables was the base of a highly amusing parody about NUS delegate’s lives and the most perfect finish to an eye opening; politically fuelled; fun, friendly and frankly amazing NUS Conference 2013.

It’s true what delegates say; one conference can change your life and cause an addiction to voting on motions… I’ve found myself debating procedural motions with my parents over mundane activities for weeks; “I need a for and against argument for 1 minute each as to why we should have fajitas for tea” is amongst one of the more memorable moments of insanity caused by the 3 days of NUS policy amending! Here’s to NUS Annual Conference 2014!