Saturday 2 April 2011

Dance Show Compere

I was approached by Alder Community High School's dance co-ordinator in 2011 to compere the dance show as I had created a reputation within the school for being a strong speaker after winning the Greater Manchester English Speaking Union's Public Speaking Competition .

In my role of compere I took to the stage to initially welcome the audience to the show and give fire safety instructions to the audience. Throughout the show I was responsible for introducing each act and giving background information about the acts to the audience without the aid of a script.

[scan of dance show brochure]

The above work showcases my ability to use such technologies as:
  • Hand-held wireless microphones
  • Microphone sound packs
It also showcases my ability to:
  • Compere a show
  • Address an audience
  • Speak confidently on a stage
  • Introduce acts without the aid of a script